Fivecast Pty Ltd

80 Hutt Street
Adelaide SA 5000


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Company Overview

The mission of Fivecast is to enable a safer world. As a world-leading provider of digital intelligence solutions, Fivecast helps the world’s most important public and private organisations explore masses of data, uncovering actionable insights which are critical to protecting global communities.

Purpose-built to address the highest priority use cases in the national security, law enforcement, defense, corporate security and financial intelligence markets, Fivecast deploys advanced data collection and AI-enabled analytics to solve the most complex intelligence challenges. Based in Adelaide and with an established presence in the US, the UK and Europe, Fivecast is part of the trusted Five Eyes alliance and was born out of a unique collaboration between Government agencies and world-leading research institutions to tackle big data challenges in national security and law enforcement.


  • Data Processing Web Hosting and Electronic Information Storage Services
  • Information and Telecommunications
  • Other Information and Telecommunication Services

Other Capabilities

Digital intelligence software

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