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Lot Fourteen welcomes defence suppliers

Tasmanian company CBG Systems and Spanish engineering firm Ghenova have recently established a presence in South Australia’s Lot Fourteen, further strengthening the state’s defence industry capability.

The companies join a growing number of defence and space businesses at the Defence and Space Landing Pad, managed by Defence SA, after receiving funding support through the Department for Trade and Investment’s South Australian Landing Pad grants program.

CBG Systems specialises in the supply and installation of fire, thermal and acoustic insulation for marine, military, industrial and commercial applications. The firm, which also designs and manufactures specialised antenna systems for navy and land-based applications, is looking to expand its presence into South Australia’s defence sector and connect with key suppliers located in the state.

CBG Systems Managing Director Javier Herbon said the company will employ up to five people within the first 12 months of establishing in South Australia, and a further 12 over the next three years to five years.

“CBG is excited to further grow our operation in Adelaide to better support our key customers. By extending our presence in South Australia we will further enhance the development of our sovereign industry capabilities, in particular our offerings around marine insulation for navy projects,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ghenova is a multi-disciplinary engineering and consulting company, with a focus on naval engineering services. The firm has been involved in the development of military naval programs since 2003, with more than one million hours of engineering experience accumulated in the design of the Australian Landing Helicopter Dock, as well as significant engineering experience on frigate programs.

Operations Manager for Ghenova Australia Daniel Martinez-Cabezas said the company will become a major player in the engineering services sector in Australia, thanks to their experience and long track record in new shipbuilding programs and energy projects, together with their strong commitment to develop local capability.

“Ghenova has already invested in training Australian engineers through actual projects in Spain, and we are planning to employ those resources very soon in our first project in Australia,” he said.

For further information on the Defence and Space Landing Pad, visit:

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